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(当地时间2023年8月23日上午,金砖国家领导人第十五次会晤在约翰内斯堡杉藤会议中心举行。习近平发表题为《团结协作谋发展 勇于担当促和平》的重要讲话。新华社记者 李学仁摄)
1. 金砖国家有广泛共识和共同目标,无论国际形势如何变幻,合作初衷、共同愿望不会变。
No matter how the international situation changes,our commitment to cooperation since the very beginning and our common aspiration will not change.
2. 金砖国家要做发展振兴道路上的同行者,反对“脱钩断链”、经济胁迫。
We BRICS countries should be fellow companions on the journey of development and revitalization,and oppose decoupling and supply chains disruption as well as economic coercion.
3. 国际安全不可分割,牺牲别国利益、谋求自身绝对安全,最终会伤及自身。
International security is indivisible.Attempts to seek absolute security at the expense of others will eventually backfire.
4. 人类历史不会终结于一种文明、一种制度。
Human history will not end with a particular civilization or system.
5. 发展是各国不可剥夺的权利,不是少数国家的“专利”。
Development is an inalienable right of all countries,not a privilege of a few.
6. 国际规则要依据联合国宪章宗旨和原则,由大家共同书写、共同维护,不能谁的胳膊粗、嗓门大,谁就说了算。
International rules must be written and upheld jointly by all countries based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter,rather than dictated by those with the strongest muscles or the loudest voice.
编辑:岑怡坤 赵怀阳
责编:毛雪婷 牛骅